exception ErrorLoadingFile of string class math_view_signals : ([> `container | `widget | `math_view] as 'b) Gtk.obj -> object ('a) method jump : callback:(string -> unit) -> GtkSignal.id end class math_view : Gtk_mathview.math_view Gtk.obj -> object method coerce : GObj.widget method connect : math_view_signals method get_selection : string option method load : filename:string -> unit end val math_view : ?adjustmenth:GData.adjustment -> ?adjustmentv:GData.adjustment -> ?border_width:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> math_view
(* (process filename usecache mode) calls the XSLT *) (* processor on the XML file whose name is filename. *) (* mode could be either "theory" or "cic" *) (* If usecache is true and the result of the processing *) (* is already in cache, then it is reused without *) (* calling again the real XSLT processor. *) process : string * bool * string -> string