Monday, 07.9.2020
10:30-11:00 Opening by BOPL organizers
11:00-12:30 Programming paradigms (chair: Kostis Sagonas)
Linda Brodo, Roberto Bruni and Moreno Falaschi: SOS rules for Equivalences of Reaction Systems
Nick Webster and Marco Servetto: Smoothly Navigating between Functional Reactive Programming and Actors
Baltasar Trancón Y Widemann and Markus Lepper:Practical Idiomatic Considerations for Checkable Meta-Logic in Experimental Functional Programming
12:30-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-15:00 Implementation and static analysis (chair: Herbert Kuchen)
Philipp Koerner, David Schneider and Michael Leuschel:On the Performance of Bytecode Interpreters in Prolog
Michael Hanus and Finn Teegen:Memoized Pull-Tabbing for Declarative Programming
Isabel Wingen and Philipp Koerner:Effectiveness of Annotation-Based Static Type Inference
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-16:30 Generating and checking exercises (chair: Demis Ballis)
Dennis Renz, Sibylle Schwarz and Johannes Waldmann:Check Your (Students') Proofs - With Hole
Oliver Westphal:A Framework for Generating Diverse Haskell-I/O Exercise Tasks
16:30-17:00 Tea break
17:00-18:00 Constraint programming (chair: Moreno Falaschi)
Catherine Dubois:Formally Verified Transformation of Non-binary Constraints into Binary Constraints
Jan C. Dageförde and Herbert Kuchen:Constraint-Logic Object-Oriented Programming with Free Arrays