HELM: an Hypertextual Electronic Library of Mathematics
Last update: August 01, 2005
Project HELM is aimed at developing the tools for the creation, maintainance
and exploitation of a distributed hypertextual library of formal mathematical
knowledge. Up to now the following software has been released:
- GtkMathView, a GTK Widget to
Render MathML Documents. Ocaml binding also available
- GtkMathView-Bonobo, a Bonobo
Control for GtkMathView to embed the widget inside Bonobo applications.
- EdiTeX, a WYSIWYG editor for MathML based on TeX syntax.
- Gdome2, the GNOME DOM Engine
- GMetaDOM, Gdome2 bindings for Gdome2
generated automatically from the DOM recommendation
- LablGtkSourceView,
OCaml bindings for
- gdome2-xslt, a binding to libxslt providing XSLT functionalities
on GDome2 documents. Ocaml binding also available
- UWOBO, a stylesheet processor
- here is the panel for an easy access to
the processor via a standard browser (with JavaScript enabled)
- HTTP Getter, a web service which
control access to the HELM library
- here is the panel for an easy access to
the Getter via a standard browser (with JavaScript enabled)
- HELMPoT, a plug-out for the Netscape
browser for browsing the HELM library
- A GTK interface to the libraries of Coq V7 once exported to XML.
More info and download.