ICTCS 2021
22nd Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science
13-15 September 2021, Bologna, Italy

Presentation Call for papers Important dates Committees Program Registration


For each accepted contribution, at least one of the authors is required to register for the conference and present the paper.

Non authors must register as well in order to receive the Zoom link to participate to the conference. The deadline for Registration is September 10, 2021.

In order to promote the Italian EATCS chapter, ICTCS registration is subject to EATCS and EATCS Italian Chapter membership .

The membership fee is 45€ and includes one year membership for EATCS and for the Italian Chapter of the EATCS.

Each participant will receive an informal receipt stating that the amount paid is for the "EATCS and Italian Chapter of the EATCS annual membership fees, required to register for the ICTCS 2021 conference". The receipts will be delivered after the conference.

To register, proceed following the steps below in order:

  1. The payment has to be done to the Italian Chapter of EATCS (http://eatcs.org/index.php/italian-chapter).

    Send a money order to :

    Conto corrente/bank account: ASSOCIAZIONE EUROPEA DI INFORMATICA TEORICA CAP. IT EmilBanca (Agenzia di Budrio)
    IBAN: IT26 F070 7236 6400 0000 0405 578
    Address: Via Bissolati, 7 40054 Budrio

    Note that IC-EATCS only accepts money order (no credit cards, checks, or spare money). Check that the final amount arriving to the bank actually corresponds to the fee.

  2. Fill out the registration form below. The form will ask for a PDF with the proof of the payment order.

    ICTCS 2021 Registration Form (Google Form)