Encoding CIC in XML: an example of exported object
The principle of induction over natural numbers in Coq:
Coq < Print nat_ind.
nat_ind =
[P:(nat->Prop); f:(P O); f0:((n:nat)(P n)->(P (S n)))]
Fix F
{F [n:nat] : (P n) :=
Cases n of
O => f
| (S n0) => (f0 n0 (F n0))
: (P:(nat->Prop))(P O)->((n:nat)(P n)->(P (S n)))->(n:nat)(P n)
The corresponding XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE Definition SYSTEM "http://localhost:8081/getdtd?url=cic.dtd">
<Definition name="nat_ind" params="">
<MUTIND uri="cic:/coq/INIT/Datatypes/nat.ind" noType="0"/>
<SORT value="Prop"/>
<target binder="P">
<REL value="1" binder="P"/>
<MUTCONSTRUCT uri="cic:/coq/INIT/Datatypes/nat.ind" noType="0" noConstr="1"/>
<target binder="f">
<MUTIND uri="cic:/coq/INIT/Datatypes/nat.ind" noType="0"/>
<target binder="n">
<REL value="3" binder="P"/>
<REL value="1" binder="n"/>
<REL value="4" binder="P"/>
<MUTCONSTRUCT uri="cic:/coq/INIT/Datatypes/nat.ind" noType="0" noConstr="2"/>
<REL value="2" binder="n"/>
<target binder="f0">
<FIX noFun="0">
<FixFunction name="F" recIndex="0">
<MUTIND uri="cic:/coq/INIT/Datatypes/nat.ind" noType="0"/>
<target binder="n">
<REL value="4" binder="P"/>
<REL value="1" binder="n"/>
<MUTIND uri="cic:/coq/INIT/Datatypes/nat.ind" noType="0"/>
<target binder="n">
<MUTCASE uriType="cic:/coq/INIT/Datatypes/nat.ind" noType="0">
<REL value="5" binder="P"/>
<REL value="1" binder="n"/>
<REL value="4" binder="f"/>
<MUTIND uri="cic:/coq/INIT/Datatypes/nat.ind" noType="0"/>
<target binder="n0">
<REL value="4" binder="f0"/>
<REL value="1" binder="n0"/>
<REL value="3" binder="F"/>
<REL value="1" binder="n0"/>
<MUTIND uri="cic:/coq/INIT/Datatypes/nat.ind" noType="0"/>
<SORT value="Prop"/>
<target binder="P">
<REL value="1" binder="P"/>
<MUTCONSTRUCT uri="cic:/coq/INIT/Datatypes/nat.ind" noType="0" noConstr="1"/>
<target binder="f">
<MUTIND uri="cic:/coq/INIT/Datatypes/nat.ind" noType="0"/>
<target binder="n">
<REL value="3" binder="P"/>
<REL value="1" binder="n"/>
<REL value="4" binder="P"/>
<MUTCONSTRUCT uri="cic:/coq/INIT/Datatypes/nat.ind" noType="0" noConstr="2"/>
<REL value="2" binder="n"/>
<target binder="f0">
<MUTIND uri="cic:/coq/INIT/Datatypes/nat.ind" noType="0"/>
<target binder="n">
<REL value="4" binder="P"/>
<REL value="1" binder="n"/>
<SORT value="Prop"/>