DEFINITION well_founded_ltof()
∀A:Set.∀f:A→nat.(well_founded A (ltof A f))
assume A: Set
assume f: A→nat
we must prove ∀n:nat.(λn0:nat.∀a:A.(lt (f a) n0)→(Acc A (ltof A f) a) n)
or equivalently ∀n:nat.∀a:A.(lt (f a) n)→(Acc A (ltof A f) a)
assume n: nat
we proceed by induction on n to prove ∀a:A.(lt (f a) n)→(Acc A (ltof A f) a)
case O : ⇒
the thesis becomes ∀a:A.(lt (f a) O)→(Acc A (ltof A f) a)
assume a: A
suppose H: lt (f a) O
(H0) consider H
by (lt_n_O .)
not (lt (f a) O)
end of H1
suppose H2: lt (f a) O
by (H1 H2)
we proved False
we proved (lt (f a) O)→False
by (previous H0)
we proved False
we proceed by induction on the previous result to prove Acc A (ltof A f) a
we proved Acc A (ltof A f) a
∀a:A.(lt (f a) O)→(Acc A (ltof A f) a)
case S : n0:nat ⇒
the thesis becomes ∀a:A.∀ltSma:(lt (f a) (S n0)).(Acc A (ltof A f) a)
(IHn) by induction hypothesis we know ∀a:A.(lt (f a) n0)→(Acc A (ltof A f) a)
assume a: A
suppose ltSma: lt (f a) (S n0)
assume b: A
we must prove (ltof A f b a)→(Acc A (ltof A f) b)
or equivalently (lt (f b) (f a))→(Acc A (ltof A f) b)
suppose ltfafb: lt (f b) (f a)
by (lt_n_Sm_le . . ltSma)
we proved le (f a) n0
by (lt_le_trans . . . ltfafb previous)
we proved lt (f b) n0
by (IHn . previous)
we proved Acc A (ltof A f) b
we proved (lt (f b) (f a))→(Acc A (ltof A f) b)
that is equivalent to (ltof A f b a)→(Acc A (ltof A f) b)
we proved ∀b:A.(ltof A f b a)→(Acc A (ltof A f) b)
by (Acc_intro . . . previous)
we proved Acc A (ltof A f) a
∀a:A.∀ltSma:(lt (f a) (S n0)).(Acc A (ltof A f) a)
we proved ∀a:A.(lt (f a) n)→(Acc A (ltof A f) a)
we proved ∀n:nat.∀a:A.(lt (f a) n)→(Acc A (ltof A f) a)
∀n:nat.(λn0:nat.∀a:A.(lt (f a) n0)→(Acc A (ltof A f) a) n)
end of H
assume a: A
by (le_n .)
we proved le (S (f a)) (S (f a))
that is equivalent to lt (f a) (S (f a))
by (H . . previous)
we proved Acc A (ltof A f) a
we proved ∀a:A.(Acc A (ltof A f) a)
that is equivalent to well_founded A (ltof A f)
we proved ∀A:Set.∀f:A→nat.(well_founded A (ltof A f))