∀x:nat.∀y:nat.(eq bool (blt y x) true)→(lt y x)
assume x: nat
we proceed by induction on x to prove ∀y:nat.(eq bool (blt y x) true)→(lt y x)
case O : ⇒
the thesis becomes ∀y:nat.(eq bool (blt y O) true)→(lt y O)
assume y: nat
suppose H: eq bool (blt y O) true
by cases on H we prove (eq bool true true)→(lt y O)
case refl_equal ⇒
the thesis becomes (eq bool (blt y O) true)→(lt y O)
suppose H0: eq bool (blt y O) true
we proceed by induction on H0 to prove <λ:bool.Prop> CASE true OF true⇒False | false⇒True
case refl_equal : ⇒
the thesis becomes <λ:bool.Prop> CASE blt y O OF true⇒False | false⇒True
consider I
we proved True
<λ:bool.Prop> CASE blt y O OF true⇒False | false⇒True
<λ:bool.Prop> CASE true OF true⇒False | false⇒True
end of H1
consider H1
we proved <λ:bool.Prop> CASE true OF true⇒False | false⇒True
that is equivalent to False
we proceed by induction on the previous result to prove lt y O
we proved lt y O
(eq bool (blt y O) true)→(lt y O)
(eq bool true true)→(lt y O)
end of H0
by (refl_equal . .)
we proved eq bool true true
by (H0 previous)
we proved lt y O
∀y:nat.(eq bool (blt y O) true)→(lt y O)
case S : n:nat ⇒
the thesis becomes ∀y:nat.(eq bool (blt y (S n)) true)→(lt y (S n))
(H) by induction hypothesis we know ∀y:nat.(eq bool (blt y n) true)→(lt y n)
assume y: nat
we proceed by induction on y to prove (eq bool (blt y (S n)) true)→(lt y (S n))
case O : ⇒
the thesis becomes (eq bool (blt O (S n)) true)→(lt O (S n))
we must prove (eq bool (blt O (S n)) true)→(lt O (S n))
or equivalently (eq bool true true)→(lt O (S n))
suppose : eq bool true true
by (le_O_n .)
we proved le O n
by (le_n_S . . previous)
we proved le (S O) (S n)
by (le_n_S . . previous)
we proved le (S (S O)) (S (S n))
by (le_S_n . . previous)
we proved le (S O) (S n)
that is equivalent to lt O (S n)
we proved (eq bool true true)→(lt O (S n))
(eq bool (blt O (S n)) true)→(lt O (S n))
case S : n0:nat ⇒
the thesis becomes (eq bool (blt (S n0) (S n)) true)→(lt (S n0) (S n))
() by induction hypothesis we know
eq bool <λn1:nat.bool> CASE n0 OF O⇒true | S m⇒blt m n true
→lt n0 (S n)
we must prove (eq bool (blt (S n0) (S n)) true)→(lt (S n0) (S n))
or equivalently (eq bool (blt n0 n) true)→(lt (S n0) (S n))
suppose H1: eq bool (blt n0 n) true
by (H . H1)
we proved lt n0 n
by (lt_n_S . . previous)
we proved lt (S n0) (S n)
we proved (eq bool (blt n0 n) true)→(lt (S n0) (S n))
(eq bool (blt (S n0) (S n)) true)→(lt (S n0) (S n))
we proved (eq bool (blt y (S n)) true)→(lt y (S n))
∀y:nat.(eq bool (blt y (S n)) true)→(lt y (S n))
we proved ∀y:nat.(eq bool (blt y x) true)→(lt y x)
we proved ∀x:nat.∀y:nat.(eq bool (blt y x) true)→(lt y x)