DEFINITION subst0_refl()
       u:T.t:T.d:nat.(subst0 d u t t)P:Prop.P
        assume uT
        assume tT
          we proceed by induction on t to prove d:nat.(subst0 d u t t)P:Prop.P
             case TSort : n:nat 
                the thesis becomes d:nat.H:(subst0 d u (TSort n) (TSort n)).P:Prop.P
                    assume dnat
                    suppose Hsubst0 d u (TSort n) (TSort n)
                    assume PProp
                      by (subst0_gen_sort . . . . H .)
                      we proved P
d:nat.H:(subst0 d u (TSort n) (TSort n)).P:Prop.P
             case TLRef : n:nat 
                the thesis becomes d:nat.H:(subst0 d u (TLRef n) (TLRef n)).P:Prop.P
                    assume dnat
                    suppose Hsubst0 d u (TLRef n) (TLRef n)
                    assume PProp
                      by (subst0_gen_lref . . . . H)
                      we proved land (eq nat n d) (eq T (TLRef n) (lift (S n) O u))
                      we proceed by induction on the previous result to prove P
                         case conj : :eq nat n d H1:eq T (TLRef n) (lift (S n) O u) 
                            the thesis becomes P
                               (h1by (le_O_n .) we proved le O n
                                  by (le_n .)
                                  we proved le (plus O (S n)) (plus O (S n))
lt n (plus O (S n))
                               end of h2
                               by (lift_gen_lref_false . . . h1 h2 . H1 .)
                      we proved P
d:nat.H:(subst0 d u (TLRef n) (TLRef n)).P:Prop.P
             case THead : k:K t0:T t1:T 
                the thesis becomes d:nat.H1:(subst0 d u (THead k t0 t1) (THead k t0 t1)).P:Prop.P
                (H) by induction hypothesis we know d:nat.(subst0 d u t0 t0)P:Prop.P
                (H0) by induction hypothesis we know d:nat.(subst0 d u t1 t1)P:Prop.P
                    assume dnat
                    suppose H1subst0 d u (THead k t0 t1) (THead k t0 t1)
                    assume PProp
                      by (subst0_gen_head . . . . . . H1)
                      we proved 
                           ex2 T λu2:T.eq T (THead k t0 t1) (THead k u2 t1) λu2:T.subst0 d u t0 u2
                           ex2 T λt2:T.eq T (THead k t0 t1) (THead k t0 t2) λt2:T.subst0 (s k d) u t1 t2
                           ex3_2 T T λu2:T.λt2:T.eq T (THead k t0 t1) (THead k u2 t2) λu2:T.λ:T.subst0 d u t0 u2 λ:T.λt2:T.subst0 (s k d) u t1 t2
                      we proceed by induction on the previous result to prove P
                         case or3_intro0 : H2:ex2 T λu2:T.eq T (THead k t0 t1) (THead k u2 t1) λu2:T.subst0 d u t0 u2 
                            the thesis becomes P
                               we proceed by induction on H2 to prove P
                                  case ex_intro2 : x:T H3:eq T (THead k t0 t1) (THead k x t1) H4:subst0 d u t0 x 
                                     the thesis becomes P
                                           by (f_equal . . . . . H3)
                                           we proved 
                                                <λ:T.T> CASE THead k t0 t1 OF TSort t0 | TLRef t0 | THead  t2 t2
                                                <λ:T.T> CASE THead k x t1 OF TSort t0 | TLRef t0 | THead  t2 t2

                                                λe:T.<λ:T.T> CASE e OF TSort t0 | TLRef t0 | THead  t2 t2 (THead k t0 t1)
                                                λe:T.<λ:T.T> CASE e OF TSort t0 | TLRef t0 | THead  t2 t2 (THead k x t1)
                                        end of H5
                                           consider H5
                                           we proved 
                                                <λ:T.T> CASE THead k t0 t1 OF TSort t0 | TLRef t0 | THead  t2 t2
                                                <λ:T.T> CASE THead k x t1 OF TSort t0 | TLRef t0 | THead  t2 t2
                                           that is equivalent to eq T t0 x
                                           by (eq_ind_r . . . H4 . previous)
subst0 d u t0 t0
                                        end of H6
                                        by (H . H6 .)
                         case or3_intro1 : H2:ex2 T λt2:T.eq T (THead k t0 t1) (THead k t0 t2) λt2:T.subst0 (s k d) u t1 t2 
                            the thesis becomes P
                               we proceed by induction on H2 to prove P
                                  case ex_intro2 : x:T H3:eq T (THead k t0 t1) (THead k t0 x) H4:subst0 (s k d) u t1 x 
                                     the thesis becomes P
                                           by (f_equal . . . . . H3)
                                           we proved 
                                                <λ:T.T> CASE THead k t0 t1 OF TSort t1 | TLRef t1 | THead   t2t2
                                                <λ:T.T> CASE THead k t0 x OF TSort t1 | TLRef t1 | THead   t2t2

                                                λe:T.<λ:T.T> CASE e OF TSort t1 | TLRef t1 | THead   t2t2 (THead k t0 t1)
                                                λe:T.<λ:T.T> CASE e OF TSort t1 | TLRef t1 | THead   t2t2 (THead k t0 x)
                                        end of H5
                                           consider H5
                                           we proved 
                                                <λ:T.T> CASE THead k t0 t1 OF TSort t1 | TLRef t1 | THead   t2t2
                                                <λ:T.T> CASE THead k t0 x OF TSort t1 | TLRef t1 | THead   t2t2
                                           that is equivalent to eq T t1 x
                                           by (eq_ind_r . . . H4 . previous)
subst0 (s k d) u t1 t1
                                        end of H6
                                        by (H0 . H6 .)
                         case or3_intro2 : H2:ex3_2 T T λu2:T.λt2:T.eq T (THead k t0 t1) (THead k u2 t2) λu2:T.λ:T.subst0 d u t0 u2 λ:T.λt2:T.subst0 (s k d) u t1 t2 
                            the thesis becomes P
                               we proceed by induction on H2 to prove P
                                  case ex3_2_intro : x0:T x1:T H3:eq T (THead k t0 t1) (THead k x0 x1) H4:subst0 d u t0 x0 H5:subst0 (s k d) u t1 x1 
                                     the thesis becomes P
                                           by (f_equal . . . . . H3)
                                           we proved 
                                                <λ:T.T> CASE THead k t0 t1 OF TSort t0 | TLRef t0 | THead  t2 t2
                                                <λ:T.T> CASE THead k x0 x1 OF TSort t0 | TLRef t0 | THead  t2 t2

                                                λe:T.<λ:T.T> CASE e OF TSort t0 | TLRef t0 | THead  t2 t2 (THead k t0 t1)
                                                λe:T.<λ:T.T> CASE e OF TSort t0 | TLRef t0 | THead  t2 t2 (THead k x0 x1)
                                        end of H6
                                              by (f_equal . . . . . H3)
                                              we proved 
                                                   <λ:T.T> CASE THead k t0 t1 OF TSort t1 | TLRef t1 | THead   t2t2
                                                   <λ:T.T> CASE THead k x0 x1 OF TSort t1 | TLRef t1 | THead   t2t2

                                                   λe:T.<λ:T.T> CASE e OF TSort t1 | TLRef t1 | THead   t2t2 (THead k t0 t1)
                                                   λe:T.<λ:T.T> CASE e OF TSort t1 | TLRef t1 | THead   t2t2 (THead k x0 x1)
                                           end of H7
                                           suppose H8eq T t0 x0
                                                 by (eq_ind_r . . . H4 . H8)
subst0 d u t0 t0
                                              end of H10
                                              by (H . H10 .)
                                              we proved P
(eq T t0 x0)P
                                        end of h1
                                           consider H6
                                           we proved 
                                                <λ:T.T> CASE THead k t0 t1 OF TSort t0 | TLRef t0 | THead  t2 t2
                                                <λ:T.T> CASE THead k x0 x1 OF TSort t0 | TLRef t0 | THead  t2 t2
eq T t0 x0
                                        end of h2
                                        by (h1 h2)
                      we proved P
d:nat.H1:(subst0 d u (THead k t0 t1) (THead k t0 t1)).P:Prop.P
          we proved d:nat.(subst0 d u t t)P:Prop.P
       we proved u:T.t:T.d:nat.(subst0 d u t t)P:Prop.P