DEFINITION pc3_dec()
∀g:G.∀c:C.∀u1:T.∀t1:T.(ty3 g c u1 t1)→∀u2:T.∀t2:T.(ty3 g c u2 t2)→(or (pc3 c u1 u2) (pc3 c u1 u2)→False)
assume g: G
assume c: C
assume u1: T
assume t1: T
suppose H: ty3 g c u1 t1
assume u2: T
assume t2: T
suppose H0: ty3 g c u2 t2
(H_y) by (ty3_sn3 . . . . H) we proved sn3 c u1
(H_y0) by (ty3_sn3 . . . . H0) we proved sn3 c u2
by (nf2_sn3 . . H_y)
ex2 T λu:T.pr3 c u1 u λu:T.nf2 c u
end of H_x
(H1) consider H_x
we proceed by induction on H1 to prove or (pc3 c u1 u2) (pc3 c u1 u2)→False
case ex_intro2 : x:T H2:pr3 c u1 x H3:nf2 c x ⇒
the thesis becomes or (pc3 c u1 u2) (pc3 c u1 u2)→False
by (nf2_sn3 . . H_y0)
ex2 T λu:T.pr3 c u2 u λu:T.nf2 c u
end of H_x0
(H4) consider H_x0
we proceed by induction on H4 to prove or (pc3 c u1 u2) (pc3 c u1 u2)→False
case ex_intro2 : x0:T H5:pr3 c u2 x0 H6:nf2 c x0 ⇒
the thesis becomes or (pc3 c u1 u2) (pc3 c u1 u2)→False
by (term_dec . .)
or (eq T x x0) (eq T x x0)→∀P:Prop.P
end of H_x1
(H7) consider H_x1
we proceed by induction on H7 to prove or (pc3 c u1 u2) (pc3 c u1 u2)→False
case or_introl : H8:eq T x x0 ⇒
the thesis becomes or (pc3 c u1 u2) (pc3 c u1 u2)→False
by (eq_ind_r . . . H5 . H8)
pr3 c u2 x
end of H10
by (pc3_pr3_t . . . H2 . H10)
we proved pc3 c u1 u2
by (or_introl . . previous)
or (pc3 c u1 u2) (pc3 c u1 u2)→False
case or_intror : H8:(eq T x x0)→∀P:Prop.P ⇒
the thesis becomes or (pc3 c u1 u2) (pc3 c u1 u2)→False
suppose H9: pc3 c u1 u2
(H10) consider H9
consider H10
we proved pc3 c u1 u2
that is equivalent to ex2 T λt:T.pr3 c u1 t λt:T.pr3 c u2 t
we proceed by induction on the previous result to prove False
case ex_intro2 : x1:T H11:pr3 c u1 x1 H12:pr3 c u2 x1 ⇒
the thesis becomes False
by (pr3_confluence . . . H5 . H12)
ex2 T λt:T.pr3 c x0 t λt:T.pr3 c x1 t
end of H_x2
(H13) consider H_x2
we proceed by induction on H13 to prove False
case ex_intro2 : x2:T H14:pr3 c x0 x2 H15:pr3 c x1 x2 ⇒
the thesis becomes False
by (nf2_pr3_unfold . . . H14 H6)
eq T x0 x2
end of H_y1
by (eq_ind_r . . . H15 . H_y1)
pr3 c x1 x0
end of H16
by (nf2_pr3_confluence . . H3 . H6 . H2)
(pr3 c u1 x0)→(eq T x x0)
end of H17
by (pr3_t . . . H11 . H16)
we proved pr3 c u1 x0
by (H17 previous)
we proved eq T x x0
by (H8 previous .)
we proved False
we proved (pc3 c u1 u2)→False
by (or_intror . . previous)
or (pc3 c u1 u2) (pc3 c u1 u2)→False
or (pc3 c u1 u2) (pc3 c u1 u2)→False
or (pc3 c u1 u2) (pc3 c u1 u2)→False
we proved or (pc3 c u1 u2) (pc3 c u1 u2)→False
we proved ∀g:G.∀c:C.∀u1:T.∀t1:T.(ty3 g c u1 t1)→∀u2:T.∀t2:T.(ty3 g c u2 t2)→(or (pc3 c u1 u2) (pc3 c u1 u2)→False)