DEFINITION fsubst0_gen_base()
.fsubst0 i v c1 t1 c2 t2
land (eq C c1 c2) (subst0 i v t1 t2)
land (eq T t1 t2) (csubst0 i v c1 c2)
land (subst0 i v t1 t2) (csubst0 i v c1 c2))
assume c1: C
assume c2: C
assume t1: T
assume t2: T
assume v: T
assume i: nat
suppose H: fsubst0 i v c1 t1 c2 t2
we proceed by induction on H to prove
land (eq C c1 c2) (subst0 i v t1 t2)
land (eq T t1 t2) (csubst0 i v c1 c2)
land (subst0 i v t1 t2) (csubst0 i v c1 c2)
case fsubst0_snd : t0:T H0:subst0 i v t1 t0 ⇒
the thesis becomes
land (eq C c1 c1) (subst0 i v t1 t0)
land (eq T t1 t0) (csubst0 i v c1 c1)
land (subst0 i v t1 t0) (csubst0 i v c1 c1)
by (refl_equal . .)
we proved eq C c1 c1
by (conj . . previous H0)
we proved land (eq C c1 c1) (subst0 i v t1 t0)
by (or3_intro0 . . . previous)
land (eq C c1 c1) (subst0 i v t1 t0)
land (eq T t1 t0) (csubst0 i v c1 c1)
land (subst0 i v t1 t0) (csubst0 i v c1 c1)
case fsubst0_fst : c0:C H0:csubst0 i v c1 c0 ⇒
the thesis becomes
land (eq C c1 c0) (subst0 i v t1 t1)
land (eq T t1 t1) (csubst0 i v c1 c0)
land (subst0 i v t1 t1) (csubst0 i v c1 c0)
by (refl_equal . .)
we proved eq T t1 t1
by (conj . . previous H0)
we proved land (eq T t1 t1) (csubst0 i v c1 c0)
by (or3_intro1 . . . previous)
land (eq C c1 c0) (subst0 i v t1 t1)
land (eq T t1 t1) (csubst0 i v c1 c0)
land (subst0 i v t1 t1) (csubst0 i v c1 c0)
case fsubst0_both : t0:T H0:subst0 i v t1 t0 c0:C H1:csubst0 i v c1 c0 ⇒
the thesis becomes
land (eq C c1 c0) (subst0 i v t1 t0)
land (eq T t1 t0) (csubst0 i v c1 c0)
land (subst0 i v t1 t0) (csubst0 i v c1 c0)
by (conj . . H0 H1)
we proved land (subst0 i v t1 t0) (csubst0 i v c1 c0)
by (or3_intro2 . . . previous)
land (eq C c1 c0) (subst0 i v t1 t0)
land (eq T t1 t0) (csubst0 i v c1 c0)
land (subst0 i v t1 t0) (csubst0 i v c1 c0)
we proved
land (eq C c1 c2) (subst0 i v t1 t2)
land (eq T t1 t2) (csubst0 i v c1 c2)
land (subst0 i v t1 t2) (csubst0 i v c1 c2)
we proved
.fsubst0 i v c1 t1 c2 t2
land (eq C c1 c2) (subst0 i v t1 t2)
land (eq T t1 t2) (csubst0 i v c1 c2)
land (subst0 i v t1 t2) (csubst0 i v c1 c2))