DEFINITION csubst0_ind()
.∀k:K.∀n:nat.∀t:T.∀t1:T.∀t2:T.(subst0 n t t1 t2)→∀c:C.(P (s k n) t (CHead c k t1) (CHead c k t2))
.(csubst0 n t c c1)→(P n t c c1)→∀t1:T.(P (s k n) t (CHead c k t1) (CHead c1 k t1))
.subst0 n t t1 t2
.∀c1:C.(csubst0 n t c c1)→(P n t c c1)→(P (s k n) t (CHead c k t1) (CHead c1 k t2))
→∀n:nat.∀t:T.∀c:C.∀c1:C.(csubst0 n t c c1)→(P n t c c1)))
assume P: nat→T→C→C→Prop
suppose H: ∀k:K.∀n:nat.∀t:T.∀t1:T.∀t2:T.(subst0 n t t1 t2)→∀c:C.(P (s k n) t (CHead c k t1) (CHead c k t2))
suppose H1:
.(csubst0 n t c c1)→(P n t c c1)→∀t1:T.(P (s k n) t (CHead c k t1) (CHead c1 k t1))
suppose H2:
.subst0 n t t1 t2
.∀c1:C.(csubst0 n t c c1)→(P n t c c1)→(P (s k n) t (CHead c k t1) (CHead c1 k t2))
(aux) by well-founded reasoning we prove ∀n:nat.∀t:T.∀c:C.∀c1:C.(csubst0 n t c c1)→(P n t c c1)
assume n: nat
assume t: T
assume c: C
assume c1: C
suppose H3: csubst0 n t c c1
by cases on H3 we prove P n t c c1
case csubst0_snd k:K n1:nat t1:T t2:T t3:T H4:subst0 n1 t1 t2 t3 c2:C ⇒
the thesis becomes P (s k n1) t1 (CHead c2 k t2) (CHead c2 k t3)
by (H . . . . . H4 .)
P (s k n1) t1 (CHead c2 k t2) (CHead c2 k t3)
case csubst0_fst k:K n1:nat c2:C c3:C t1:T H4:csubst0 n1 t1 c2 c3 t2:T ⇒
the thesis becomes P (s k n1) t1 (CHead c2 k t2) (CHead c3 k t2)
by (aux . . . . H4)
we proved P n1 t1 c2 c3
by (H1 . . . . . H4 previous .)
P (s k n1) t1 (CHead c2 k t2) (CHead c3 k t2)
case csubst0_both k:K n1:nat t1:T t2:T t3:T H4:subst0 n1 t1 t2 t3 c2:C c3:C H5:csubst0 n1 t1 c2 c3 ⇒
the thesis becomes P (s k n1) t1 (CHead c2 k t2) (CHead c3 k t3)
by (aux . . . . H5)
we proved P n1 t1 c2 c3
by (H2 . . . . . H4 . . H5 previous)
P (s k n1) t1 (CHead c2 k t2) (CHead c3 k t3)
we proved P n t c c1
∀n:nat.∀t:T.∀c:C.∀c1:C.(csubst0 n t c c1)→(P n t c c1)
consider aux
we proved ∀n:nat.∀t:T.∀c:C.∀c1:C.(csubst0 n t c c1)→(P n t c c1)
we proved
.∀k:K.∀n:nat.∀t:T.∀t1:T.∀t2:T.(subst0 n t t1 t2)→∀c:C.(P (s k n) t (CHead c k t1) (CHead c k t2))
.(csubst0 n t c c1)→(P n t c c1)→∀t1:T.(P (s k n) t (CHead c k t1) (CHead c1 k t1))
.subst0 n t t1 t2
.∀c1:C.(csubst0 n t c c1)→(P n t c c1)→(P (s k n) t (CHead c k t1) (CHead c1 k t2))
→∀n:nat.∀t:T.∀c:C.∀c1:C.(csubst0 n t c c1)→(P n t c c1)))