DEFINITION clear_clear()
∀c1:C.∀c2:C.(clear c1 c2)→(clear c2 c2)
assume c1: C
we proceed by induction on c1 to prove ∀c2:C.(clear c1 c2)→(clear c2 c2)
case CSort : n:nat ⇒
the thesis becomes ∀c2:C.∀H:(clear (CSort n) c2).(clear c2 c2)
assume c2: C
suppose H: clear (CSort n) c2
by (clear_gen_sort . . H .)
we proved clear c2 c2
∀c2:C.∀H:(clear (CSort n) c2).(clear c2 c2)
case CHead : c:C k:K t:T ⇒
the thesis becomes ∀c2:C.∀H0:(clear (CHead c k t) c2).(clear c2 c2)
(H) by induction hypothesis we know ∀c2:C.(clear c c2)→(clear c2 c2)
assume c2: C
suppose H0: clear (CHead c k t) c2
assume b: B
suppose H1: clear (CHead c (Bind b) t) c2
by (clear_bind . . .)
clear (CHead c (Bind b) t) (CHead c (Bind b) t)
end of h1
by (clear_gen_bind . . . . H1)
eq C c2 (CHead c (Bind b) t)
end of h2
by (eq_ind_r . . . h1 . h2)
we proved clear c2 c2
∀H1:(clear (CHead c (Bind b) t) c2).(clear c2 c2)
assume f: F
suppose H1: clear (CHead c (Flat f) t) c2
by (clear_gen_flat . . . . H1)
we proved clear c c2
by (H . previous)
we proved clear c2 c2
∀H1:(clear (CHead c (Flat f) t) c2).(clear c2 c2)
by (previous . H0)
we proved clear c2 c2
∀c2:C.∀H0:(clear (CHead c k t) c2).(clear c2 c2)
we proved ∀c2:C.(clear c1 c2)→(clear c2 c2)
we proved ∀c1:C.∀c2:C.(clear c1 c2)→(clear c2 c2)