(****************************************************************************) (* *) (* The formal system \lambda\delta *) (* *) (* Author: Ferruccio Guidi *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* GNU General Public License Version 2 *) (* *) (****************************************************************************) Require lift_gen. Require drop_props. Require drop1_defs. Require getl_defs. Section confluence. (*****************************************************) Hints Resolve clear_mono : ld. Hint discr : ld := Extern 4 (drop ? ? ? ?) Simpl. Theorem getl_mono: (c,x1:?; h:?) (getl h c x1) -> (x2:?) (getl h c x2) -> x1 = x2. Proof. Intros; Repeat GetLGenBase. DropDis; Subst; XDEAuto 2. Qed. Hints Resolve clear_mono : ld. Lemma getl_clear_conf: (i:?; c1,c3:?) (getl i c1 c3) -> (c2:?) (clear c1 c2) -> (getl i c2 c3). Proof. XElim i. (* case 1: i = 0 *) Intros; GetLGenBase. Replace c2 with c3; [ Subst; Clear H0 | XDEAuto 2 ]. ClearGenAll; XAuto. (* case 2: i > 0 *) XElim c1; Intros; Try NewInduction k; GetLGenBase; ClearGenBase; XDEAuto 2. Qed. Lemma getl_drop_conf_lt: (b:?; c,c0:?; u:?; i:?) (getl i c (CHead c0 (Bind b) u)) -> (e:?; h,d:?) (drop h (S (plus i d)) c e) -> (EX v e0 | u = (lift h d v) & (getl i e (CHead e0 (Bind b) v)) & (drop h d c0 e0) ). Proof. XElim c; Intros; GetLGenBase. NewInduction x; Try NewInduction k0; ClearGenBase. (* case 1: Bind *) XInv; Subst; DropDis; Subst; XDEAuto 3. (* case 2: Flat *) NewInduction i; Repeat (DropGenBase; XInv; Subst). (* case 2.1: i = 0 *) LApply (H c0 u (0)); [ Clear H H0; Intros H | XDEAuto 2 ]. LApply (H x0 h d); [ Clear H H2; Intros H | XAuto ]. XDecompose H; Subst; XDEAuto 3. (* case i > 0 *) Clear IHi; RRwIn H4. LApply (H c0 u (r k i)); [ Clear H H0; Intros H | XDEAuto 3 ]. LApply (H x0 h d); [ Clear H H4; Intros H | XAuto ]. XDecompose H; Subst; XDEAuto 4. Qed. Lemma getl_drop_conf_ge: (i:?; a,c:?) (getl i c a) -> (e:?; h,d:?) (drop h d c e) -> (le (plus d h) i) -> (getl (minus i h) e a). Proof. Intros; GetLGenBase; DropDis; XDEAuto 2. Qed. Lemma getl_conf_ge_drop: (b:?; c1,e:?; u:?; i:?) (getl i c1 (CHead e (Bind b) u)) -> (c2:?) (drop (1) i c1 c2) -> (drop i (0) c2 e). Proof. Intros; GetLDrop; DropDis; [ Rewrite minus_Sx_SO in H2 | Rewrite plus_sym ]; XAuto. Qed. Hints Resolve getl_drop_conf_ge getl_clear_conf : ld. Lemma getl_conf_le: (i:?; a,c:?) (getl i c a) -> (e:?; h:?) (getl h c e) -> (le h i) -> (getl (minus i h) e a). Proof. Intros; GetLGenBase; XDEAuto 4. Qed. Hints Resolve drop_conf_rev : ld. Lemma getl_drop_conf_rev: (j:?; e1,e2:?) (drop j (0) e1 e2) -> (b:?; c2:?; v2:?; i:?) (getl i c2 (CHead e2 (Bind b) v2)) -> (EX c1 | (drop j (0) c1 c2) & (drop (S i) j c1 e1)). Proof. Intros; GetLDrop; XDEAuto 3. Qed. End confluence. Section transitivity. (***************************************************) Hints Resolve le_S_n : ld. Hint discr : ld := Extern 4 (drop ? ? ? ?) Simpl. (* NOTE: This should replace drop_getl_trans_le *) Lemma drop_getl_trans_lt: (i,d:?) (lt i d) -> (c1,c2:?; h:?) (drop h d c1 c2) -> (b:?; e2:?; v:?) (getl i c2 (CHead e2 (Bind b) v)) -> (EX e1 | (getl i c1 (CHead e1 (Bind b) (lift h (minus d (S i)) v))) & (drop h (minus d (S i)) e1 e2) ). Proof. Intros; GetLGenBase; DropDis. Rewrite minus_x_Sy in H1; [ DropClear | XAuto ]. XDEAuto 3. Qed. Lemma drop_getl_trans_le: (i,d:?) (le i d) -> (c1,c2:?; h:?) (drop h d c1 c2) -> (e2:?) (getl i c2 e2) -> (EX e0 e1 | (drop i (0) c1 e0) & (drop h (minus d i) e0 e1) & (clear e1 e2) ). Proof. Intros; GetLGenBase; DropDis; XDEAuto 2. Qed. Lemma drop_getl_trans_ge: (i:?; c1,c2:?; d,h:?) (drop h d c1 c2) -> (e2:?) (getl i c2 e2) -> (le d i) -> (getl (plus i h) c1 e2). Proof. Intros; GetLGenBase; DropDis; XDEAuto 2. Qed. Lemma getl_drop_trans: (c1,c2:?; h:?) (getl h c1 c2) -> (e2:?; i:?) (drop (S i) (0) c2 e2) -> (drop (S (plus i h)) (0) c1 e2). Proof. XElim c1. (* case 1: CSort *) Intros; GetLGenBase. (* case 2: CHead *) Intros c1 IHc; XElim k. (* case 2.1: Bind *) XElim h; Intros; GetLGenBase. (* case 2.1.1: h = 0 *) Clear IHc; ClearGenBase; DropGenBase. Rewrite <- plus_n_O; XAuto. (* case 2.1.2: h > 0 *) Clear H; Rewrite <- plus_Snm_nSm; XDEAuto 4. (* case 2.2: Bind *) XElim h; Intros; GetLGenBase. (* case 2.2.1: h = 0 *) ClearGenBase; XDEAuto 5. (* case 2.2.2: h > 0 *) Clear H; XDEAuto 4. Qed. End transitivity. Tactic Definition GetLDis := ( Match Context With | [ H1: (getl ?1 ?3 ?4); H2: (getl ?1 ?3 ?5) |- ? ] -> LApply (getl_mono ?3 ?5 ?1); [ Intros H_x | XAuto ]; LApply (H_x ?4); [ Clear H_x H1; Intros H1; Rewrite H1 in H2 | XAuto ] | [ H1: (getl ?0 ?1 (CHead ?2 (Bind ?3) ?4)); H2: (drop ?5 (S (plus ?0 ?6)) ?1 ?7) |- ? ] -> LApply (getl_drop_conf_lt ?3 ?1 ?2 ?4 ?0); [ Clear H1; Intros H1 | XAuto ]; LApply (H1 ?7 ?5 ?6); [ Clear H1 H2; Intros H1 | XAuto ]; XElim H1; Intros | [ H1: (getl ?0 ?1 ?); H2: (getl (S (plus ?2 ?0)) ?1 ?) |- ? ] -> XPoseClear H1 '(getl_conf_le ? ? ? H2 ? ? H1); LApply H1; [ Clear H1 H2; Intros H1 | XAuto ]; Arith4In H1 ?2 ?0; Rewrite minus_plus_r in H1 | [ _: (getl ?0 ?1 ?2); _: (getl ?5 ?1 ?7); _: (lt ?5 ?0) |- ? ] -> LApply (getl_conf_le ?0 ?2 ?1); [ Intros H_x | XAuto ]; LApply (H_x ?7 ?5); [ Clear H_x; Intros H_x | XAuto ]; LApply H_x; [ Clear H_x; Intros | XAuto ] | [ H1: (getl ?1 ?2 (CHead ?3 (Bind ?0) ?4)); H2: (drop (1) ?1 ?2 ?5) |- ? ] -> LApply (getl_conf_ge_drop ?0 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?1); [ Clear H1; Intros H1 | XAuto ]; LApply (H1 ?5); [ Clear H1 H2; Intros H1 | XAuto ] | [ H0: (getl ?0 ?1 ?2); H2: (lt ?6 ?0); H1: (drop (1) ?6 ?1 ?7) |- ? ] -> LApply (getl_drop_conf_ge ?0 ?2 ?1); [ Intros H_x | XAuto ]; LApply (H_x ?7 (1) ?6); [ Clear H_x; Intros H_x | XAuto ]; LApply H_x; [ Clear H_x; Intros | Rewrite plus_sym; XAuto ] | [ H0: (getl ?0 ?1 ?2); H1: (drop ?5 ?6 ?1 ?7) |- ? ] -> LApply (getl_drop_conf_ge ?0 ?2 ?1); [ Intros H_x | XAuto ]; LApply (H_x ?7 ?5 ?6); [ Clear H_x; Intros H_x | XAuto ]; LApply H_x; [ Clear H_x; Intros | XAuto ] | [ H0: (lt ?1 ?2); H1: (drop ?3 ?2 ?4 ?5); H2: (getl ?1 ?5 ?6) |- ? ] -> LApply (drop_getl_trans_le ?1 ?2); [ Intros H_x | XAuto ]; LApply (H_x ?4 ?5 ?3); [ Clear H_x H1; Intros H_x | XAuto ]; LApply (H_x ?6); [ Clear H_x H2; Intros H_x | XAuto ]; XDecompose H_x | [ H0: (le ?1 ?2); H1: (drop ?3 ?1 ?4 ?5); H2: (getl ?2 ?5 ?6) |- ? ] -> LApply (drop_getl_trans_ge ?2 ?4 ?5 ?1 ?3); [ Clear H1; Intros H1 | XAuto ]; LApply (H1 ?6); [ Clear H1 H2; Intros H1 | XAuto ]; LApply H1; [ Clear H1; Intros | XAuto ] | [ H1: (getl ? ? ?2); H2: (drop (S ?) (0) ?2 ?) |- ? ] -> XPoseClear H2 '(getl_drop_trans ? ? ? H1 ? ? H2) | [ H1: (drop ? (0) ? ?1); H2: (getl ? ? (CHead ?1 (Bind ?) ?)) |- ? ] -> XDecomPose '(getl_drop_conf_rev ? ? ? H1 ? ? ? ? H2); Clear H1 H2 | [ H1: (drop ? (0) ? ?1); H2: (getl ? ?1 ?) |- ? ] -> XPoseClear H2 '(drop_getl_trans_ge ? ? ? ? ? H1 ? H2); LApply H2; [ Clear H2; Intros H2 | XAuto ] | [ H0: (lt ?2 ?1); H1: (drop ? ?1 ? ?0); H2: (getl ?2 ?0 (CHead ? (Bind ?) ?)) |- ? ] -> XDecomPose '(drop_getl_trans_lt ? ? H0 ? ? ? H1 ? ? ? H2); Clear H1 H2 ). Section more_transitivity. (**********************************************) Hints Resolve getl_clear_trans : ld. Theorem getl_trans: (i:?; c1,c2:?; h:?) (getl h c1 c2) -> (e2:?) (getl i c2 e2) -> (getl (plus i h) c1 e2). Proof. Intros; GetLGenBase; NewInduction i. (* case 1: i = 0 *) DropGenBase; Subst; XDEAuto 2. (* case 2: i > 0 *) Clear IHi; GetLDis; XDEAuto 2. Qed. Hints Resolve blt_lt bge_le : ld. Lemma drop1_getl_trans: (hds:?; c1,c2:?) (drop1 hds c2 c1) -> (b:?; e1:?; v:?; i:?) (getl i c1 (CHead e1 (Bind b) v)) -> (EX e2 | (drop1 (ptrans hds i) e2 e1) & (getl (trans hds i) c2 (CHead e2 (Bind b) (lift1 (ptrans hds i) v))) ). Proof. XElim hds; Simpl. (* case 1: PNil *) Intros; Drop1GenBase; XDEAuto 2. (* case 2: PCons *) Intros h d hds; Intros; Drop1GenBase; XInduction '(blt (trans hds i) d). (* case 2.1: (trans hds i) < d *) LApply (drop_getl_trans_lt (trans hds i) d); [ Clear H0; Intros H0 | XAuto ]. XDecomPoseClear H '(H ? ? H3 ? ? ? ? H1); Clear H3 H1. XDecomPoseClear H0 '(H0 ? ? ? H2 ? ? ? H5); Clear H2 H5; XDEAuto 3. (* case 2.2: (trans hds i) >= d *) XDecomPoseClear H '(H ? ? H3 ? ? ? ? H1); Clear H3 H1. XPose H '(drop_getl_trans_ge ? ? ? ? ? H2 ? H5); Clear H2 H5. XDEAuto 4. Qed. End more_transitivity. Tactic Definition GetLXDis := ( Match Context With | [ H1: (getl ? ? (CHead ?1 (Bind ?) ?)); H2: (getl ?0 ?1 ?2) |- ? ] -> XPoseClear H1 '(getl_trans (S ?0) ? ? ? H1); LApply (H1 ?2); [ Clear H1; Intros | XAuto ] | [ H1: (drop1 ? ? ?1); H2: (getl ? ?1 (CHead ? (Bind ?) ?)) |- ? ] -> XDecomPoseClear H2 '(drop1_getl_trans ? ? ? H1 ? ? ? ? H2) | [ |- ? ] -> GetLDis ). Section more_confluence. (************************************************) Lemma cimp_getl_conf: (c1,c2:?) (cimp c1 c2) -> (b:?; d1:?; w:?; i:?) (getl i c1 (CHead d1 (Bind b) w)) -> (EX d2 | (cimp d1 d2) & (getl i c2 (CHead d2 (Bind b) w)) ). Proof. Unfold cimp; Intros. XDecomPose '(H ? ? ? ? H0). EApply ex2_intro; [ Intros | XDEAuto 2 ]. GetLXDis; Clear H2. XDecomPose '(H ? ? ? ? H0); Clear H H0. GetLXDis; GetLGenBase; XDEAuto 2. Qed. End more_confluence. Tactic Definition GetLCImpDis := ( Match Context With | [ H1: (cimp ?1 ?); H2: (getl ? ?1 (CHead ? (Bind ?) ?)) |- ? ] -> XDecomPose '(cimp_getl_conf ? ? H1 ? ? ? ? H2); Clear H1 H2 | [ |- ? ] -> GetLXDis ).